3 Months Term Basis or 1 Year / Ongoing Residency
A hyper-personalized, bespoke private experience. This is a premier high-rewarding, long-term focused and advanced experience that will enrich and elevate every dimension of your life, presence and real all-inclusive success.
Includes highly curated tools, protocols and advanced modules to orient you higher and upgrade your overall personal embodiment, life quality, direction and destiny:
Foundational Mastery Program and more, as desired or necessary
Exclusive Imperial Life Mapping & Advanced Codes, Pillars, Keys
Higher Orientation, Design, Materialization Modules
Mastering Inner-Outer-Higher Wealth, Real Value, Presence, Happiness
Your Genius Blueprint & Calling (if desired)
Additional Imperial Signature | The Top 10% Leverage:
Advanced High Sovereignty, Soft Power
Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Influence & Resilience
Macro & Micro Embodiment, Bridging the Gap (blending high practical knowledge, tools, activations, energetics, consciousness, physical real life skills and solutions)
Personalized Upgrades, Personal & Life Enrichment, Optimization, Expansion; Transitions and Hybrid Realities possible
For Women: Meilleure Par Arielle - upon request, bespoke VIP high feminine natural body alignment, luxury elevation, radical self love, dream care protocols tailored to your unique healthy ideal version, without years of trial and error.
For Men: upon request - additional special inclusions, care and lifestyle refinement.
Private Support Message Access - ongoing private advisory and message space to support seamless deep integration.
Luxury VIP Weekend Immersive (in-person or virtual for select 1-year packages only.)
By application only.